28.08.92 - Have Faith

21/06/2012 00:55


28.08.92 - Have Faith


Faith is required by those whose feet have been placed uponn the path. The Path is not an easy one to walk, for it is full of pitfalls and problems, but all is, not gloom. There will also be many delights and joys to be experienced, each will be savoured and will lift a tired heart afer times of turmoil.


Fear not my child, for you have not been forgotten, you do not walk alone. There are many around you from the World of Spirit, it is just not time for them to draw close to you or to show themselves. Nevertheless, we know that you are awaare of our presence and for the moment that is all we are allowed to share.


The time of reunion is drawing close, your strength is growing daily and your faith has carried you far during these long days passt. Keep your Spirit high and know that all is going according to the plans made. You are being guided aand in a short while all will be made clearer..


Continue to sit with your friends, your bond will strengthen and then your work will commence. Balance and time, that is the message, all will be ready when the time is right. We will depart now and hopefully, we will be able to draw close to you again soon. Do not fear, keep a light heart for each of us are aware of the problems that surround you, none of which are unsurmountable. All will work out and bring you to where you are meant to stand.


Blessings and love, continue to send your healing thoughts,, this is part of your pathway. Be guided by your Higher Self - do not be led by others, no matter how well meaning the advice may be. Your higher self is truly able to lead you forward to your destined place in life. Listen always to that still small voice within.



God be with you today and always. PAX.

