27th March 2015 - Angels Singing.

13/05/2015 21:50
27th March 2015 - Angels Singing.
Greetings dear child. We know you have heard the sound of ‘Angels’ singing the praises of their Creator. It is a sound once heard never to be forgotten. Such occasions upon the Earth Plane are rare but they do still occur when two or more are gathered together and sound the sacred word with love and positive intent – the music made is harmonious and uplifting. When larger numbers around the Planet get together with the same intent, to raise the vibrational energy of beloved Gaia and all who share her bounty, then the sound is truly that of Angels singing. For at source each incarnate Soul upon the Earth Plane is an Angelic Being filled with light and love, so when these awakened Souls join together to sound the sacred word the results are amazing. This does not mean that each one must wait until they are with other like minded individuals to sing the praises of Creator, one should sound the Sacred Word whenever possible for it will raise one’s own vibration and bring internal balance to one’s own chakras and energy field. OM/AUM/ is the word, the Omega, the Amen – for it is the sound of the Holy Spirit, Mother/Father God. Blessings. PAX. ©.