27th December 2013 - Pre-Ordained.

15/01/2014 22:08


27th December 2013 - Pre-Ordained.

Greetings dear one. The path one walks through life on the Earth Plane was for the most part pre-ordained whilst the indwelling Soul was still in the home World of Spirit. During this time, the time of Soul life between lives on Earth embodying a physical form, the Soul looks at experiences that have occurred whilst in the physical form. The Soul looks atessons learned and those not quite mastered and at those yet to be experienced. It looks also at the Souls involved with these past experiences, many are of the same group of Souls who are working together, helping and supporting and growing together –making the journey easier. Before returning to the Earth Plane and taking on a new physical form much is agreed upon and pacts are made with many of the group of Souls who will also be returning around the same period in time. The contract for the new life and its experiences are agreed upon and in essence is signed, sealed and delivered. Once upon the Earth Plane and in a new physical form, the Soul begins to lose sight of these plans made for the journey and sets out in ignorance once again to tear away the veil of ignorance and reconnect with its true birthright – Divinity. As the indwelling soul gathers more and more light to its physical form then more and more of the contract is grasped and worked upon, the voice of the indwelling soul will slowly be heard and followed and the lessons will be met and will be learned. Souls who are meant to be a part of the journey will be met and embraced, some are recognised and others are not and may just pass through for the shortest period of time but will make their impact. Ponder on these words. Blessings. PAX.   ©.
