27th August, 2012 – Perception.
06/10/2012 10:30
27th August, 2012 – Perception.
Greetings dear one, be true to yourself - always, to your own perception and understanding of life and its mysteries. You will find the path easier to follow if you are in harmony with your own inner truth. Let no-one brow beat you into betraying what you know, at a deep inner level, to be a living truth and your reality. Others will try to change your belief system, you may walk in tandem with them, it is natural for fear to come into play when others around you have a different belief system, but they are also fearful of yours.
Recognise that as you grow spiritually, so your belief system must change, expand and some parts of your understanding must be discarded. This is natural progression. Do not discard aspects that you still need just to be in harmony with others for this is the road to spiritual sadness. Being with the crowd, or running with the herd, can look desirable but it is not – it is counter-productive to serious Soul Growth. So stay strong and centred in who you are and what you believe in, therein lies clarity, strength and growth at the right time. Blessings. PAX. ©