27.11.89 - Sevice not Self

09/05/2012 21:29



27.11.89 - Sevice not Self


Brothers and Sisters, we each need to find an inner tranquility to carry us forward along our own path. This path seems long and hard, full of toil, trouble, joy and laughter. Each day brings in a new set of circumstances, new problems to be faced and overcome.


We must each set about our daily tasks as we best see fit, we must each find our own inner strength, peace, serenity and inspiration.


It is no easy matter to find these things, we must learn to put aside a small part of our day, we must learn to listen to our hearts, minds and bodies. For each has its own story to tell, its own source of inspiration to share with us.


God, our Father, the creative principle is always with us, always willing to share our burdens and our joys with us. We have but to ask him to draw close, we are none of us too unimportant to be overlooked, we are indeed his precious children.


When the going seems slow, or hard, and you know not which way to turn, go within, lift your thoughts to higher realms, allow your Creator, your strength, to become one with your physical being.


Know in your very being that as you give of yourself in service to others, you will be truly blessed. For it is truly in service, no matter how seemingly unimportant your deed may be, if it is truly done with love then it will build your inner light, it will strengthen you and help you to grow, your Spirit will indeed go from strength to strength.


Remember, Brothers and Sisters, it is only on the physical plane that you must be seen to be doing - by this I mean actively doing good that others can see and measure your growth by. True service is done silently, helping, giving and loving, not expecting these things to be acknowledged, but nevertheless, carried out constantly. It is the 'Ego' of the physical self that requiires recognition, your inner spirit self does not. For it truly knows your measure - your worth, your light. Walk forward with Love, Light and the Power of the Divine and know that you are loved and Blessed.©

