26th March 2015 - Done Deeds.
12/05/2015 21:35
26th March 2015 - Done Deeds.
Greetings dear one. The moving finger writes – once words have been written, spoken or even just manifested as a thought it is too late to change any of its content - it is a done deed. This is why it is important to control the wild thoughts, those chattering monkeys of the mind, for the spoken word as does the written word and one’s thoughts contain power. Words are likened to spells – we spell words and these words do in fact have the power and potential of the intent with which they are formed. Take time out to look at words, their spelling and deeper meaning, there is much that may be learned from such an exercise. Look at the implications of the commonly used phrases – you will be amazed. Remember at the beginning ‘The Word was with God’ and the word or sound, the vibration is creative. Each one of humanity creates constantly often without knowledge or fore thought of what it is they are going to create. It is time for all of humanity to become aware of these deeper realities in view yet veiled to many. Blessings. PAX. ©.