26th August 2014 - Life Eternal.

19/09/2014 20:05
26th August 2014 - Life Eternal.
Greetings dear child. For you are a child of the Universe as are all the inhabitants of Planet Earth, all you need for your life and growth is to be found within the Universe. As an eternal Soul life continues when a Soul departs its physical earthly body it does not die but returns to a higher dimension where it continues to live and to explore. There is no need to fear the unknown for to the Soul all things are known, fear is a product of the ego/personality aspect of the physical vehicle. Fear controls and limits the indwelling Soul and prevents the extended searching that is so required and is the sole reason for its journey into the third dimension of matter and form. Be adventurous and step out into the unknown, try new avenues of learning, read different books, join different group situations that may at first feel strange and uncomfortable – Get out of your comfort zone. For the truth is out there, waiting for all those Souls brave enough to search for and find it – then embracing it, thus expanding or discarding what is already known. Each of you is on a journey of adventure and growth – Enjoy each moment. Blessings. PAX. ©.