25th January 2013 -You are Unique.

12/02/2013 19:39



25th January 2013 -You are Unique.

Greetings dear child, each incarnating soul is a unique aspect of the one and therefore, being unique will see things uniquely – having its own personal perspective of life and all it sees, hears and experiences. So no two people will see life and its many varied situations in exactly the same way. Perceptions are made as a result of the internal programming of the ego and incarnating soul, the type of upbringing, schooling and childhood all play their parting how the ego understands and re-acts to life in general and the philosophical outlook it has. As life progresses and growth on all levels takes place so one’s perceptions change and expand and become more grounded and rounded. Groups are formed by those who have a similar understanding/perceptions of one certain area of life, but if one’s perception changes whilst others remain static then the group no longer feeds the one who has grown in understanding and then finds that one has to move on. This is the way of growth. So one should not fear any change in one’s perception of any area of life, for change is positive and necessary. Change and growing apart happens in all areas of one’s life, within the family, friends, workplace – everywhere. All one can do is accept these changes and move forward. Blessings. PAX. ©


