25th December 2013 - Tasks lead to Initiation.

13/01/2014 22:06

25th December 2013 - Tasks lead to Initiation.

Greetings dear one. Each soul that is incarnate and those who are discarnate are all in the process of working through many tasks that will lead to initiation. Small steps taken forward into the light are not taken without pain and suffering – for growth is never easy. With each step taken, each lesson learned, one’s Soul energy and auric field becomes lighter and will have the power to attract others to them and there will be many opportunities for planting seeds of truth and for the nurturing thereof. Each of these small acts of kindness and consideration build those all important energies of Compassion and Goodwill into the Soul energy. When the light of the Indwelling Soul shines strongly with the power of light and love the attention of the Masters of Wisdom are attracted and the journey through the initiations leading to Mastery commence. These are gifts from our Creator – but we must first be worthy of the receiving of them. Blessings. PAX. ©.
