25th April 2013 - Physician Heal Thyself.

13/05/2013 22:17


25th April 2013 - Physician Heal Thyself.

Greetings, dear one, greetings, prayers of thanksgiving and healing hold within them much power. It is good to give thanks to the Creator of all things, it is good that one recognizes the blessings of ones life, when time is taken to examine these many blessings no matter how small, it can be most humbling of experiences. Often times these small blessings, things like health, food on the table, ones home and other possessions. All these are a part of the bounty of the ‘One’. Health is a major issue, good health is essential to having a productive  and happy life – health, good health of Body Mind and Soul The physical body is astounding and has been created to heal itself time and time again – with correct living, right food, right thinking and right action the physical vehicle could keep regenerating itself for all time. It is the wrong internal programmes that humanity has created that cause illness, death and destruction. It is true that we are what we eat/drink, what we think and what we do - each having a resultant affect on the physical vehicle. It is never to late to change ones approach to life and how it is lived and how it affects the physical vehicle- change bad habits/programmes today and lengthen your lifespan, make your physical body a healthier, cleaner, stronger environment for the Soul to reside within. Ask for healing for yourself and for those you love in your prayers, change your diet, your attitude and approach to life. For there is still much to be achieved in this current physical incarnation Change – start NOW!

Physician Heal Thyself. Blessings. PAX. ©.
