24th November 2012 - Right Relationship

16/12/2012 19:12


24th November 2012 - Right Relationship

Greetings dear sister, welcome once again as our vibrational thoughts and minds become as one, it is good that we are able to join together in this state of communion. The Master Jesus told his followers that ‘In my Fathers house there are many Mansions, if this were not so I would have told you’. What did he mean by this? Well, perhaps he was saying that his word, which was laso the Word of the Father, was not for just one group of human beings but for all, that the truth he was sharing was for all of mankind. These words were simplistic instructions in right relationship – one with the other. His mission was to bring mankind together in right, loving fellowship – not to divide them which is what the many Religious Institutions have done. They have each done their very best to divide humankind by mis-interpreting the words spoken in the Holy Land some 2,000 years ago. Why have these words been so changed by those who call themselves teachers, priests, mullahs, etc. They have been changed to manipulate the minds and hearts of those who follow what they believe to be the ‘Words of God spoken through his chosen Prophets’. So, I implore you and each and every person who is searching for the truth to take the words to the heart and test them, if they resonate and make your heart sing with joy then these words are right for you where you now stand on your journey. But, this may not always be so for as your awareness grows so your acceptance of what you once acknowledged to be ‘truth’ will change. Fear not, for we are with you, as is the Father/Mother God, for all time – for eternity. Blessings. PAX. ©

