24th December 2013 - Truth is Clear.
12/01/2014 22:0524th December 2013 - Truth is Clear.
Greetings dear one. The truth is in clear view and will, one day, be recognised for what it is by all who have an open heart and mind. The truth will resonate within and it will feel as though a choir of Angles is singing in perfect harmony. Keep searching and explore all that presents itself or analysis for there is always an element of the truth hidden amongst much that is dis-information. Cherish these glimpses of the truth, these precious moments of insight into the Plan and Purpose of Mother/Father God. Slowly all these glimpses, these small points of light within the Minds of Men will come together to make a powerful glowing light within the Minds of those who search. Remain true to your purpose to grow stronger in the light and love which is your birthright. Blessings. PAX. ©.