24th April 2014 - May Peace be Yours.
13/05/2014 18:1324th April 2014 - May Peace be Yours.
Greetings dear one. May peace be yours as you continue to journey, be content in the knowledge that you are one with all there is. Do not personalise the many drama’s that life draws you into – play the game, play it well, but see it for what it is , a tool - a tool for growth and expansion of the Mind. For you, at source are pure consciousness, pure mind – and are currently exploring your creation in a physical form. Desire to experience more and more keeps the Soul attached to life in a physical form. Desires, emotions, feelings all create movement and life continues. Enjoy each moment of your creation, learn to be personally responsible and acknowledge what you draw to yourself as a part of the experience called ‘life’. Blessings. PAX. ©.