23rd March 2015 - Thought Grooves.
09/05/2015 20:45
23rd March 2015 -Thought Grooves.
Greetings dear child. Thoughts can keep the mind chained within a groove – a thought can and does hold one’s attention and all one’s focus revolves around it. The mind will keep playing it and replaying it and if the thought is of a negative nature it will be and is destructive. One must learn to control the ego/personality aspect which uses these recurring thoughts as a means of control. One must learn to rise above these chattering monkey’s (thoughts) of the mind, one must learn to rise above the desires that arise from perceived needs of the physical self if one wishes to proceed upon the Path of Soul Growth which leads to enlightenment. It is the desire/emotional body with its many perceived needs that keeps one chained to ignorance. In truth each one needs only enough to keep oneself warm in winter, dry when it is raining, fed when hungry and a place to put one’s head upon at the end of the day when sleep is needed. However, humanity has truly lost its way and is led by its desires for more and more of all things. The ego/personality sees a thing and it wants it, need is no longer a driving force. Today, one is measured by one’s possessions or one’s position in life, the good within goes un-noticed and holds no worth in what one calls the civilised world. For one wishing to walk the Path of the Masters one must change, one must learn to rise above one’s desires and the emotional aspect and see only that which is needed, not that which is wanted/desired. Ponder upon these words. Blessings. PAX. ©.