23rd March 2013 - Mantras.
12/04/2013 17:30
23rd March 2013 - Mantras.
Greetings dear one, Mantras are a group of words that we use in meditation, these words are upwardly aspiring and lift the heart and mind to higher levels. Mantra’s can consist of one word or many – from the simple yet most powerful AUM or OM to longer ones. One such ancient Tibetan Mantra goes ‘AUM MANE PADME HUM’, this is a Mantra used to build up the energy of Compassion within the Auric Field. One does not have to use ancient mantra’s, one can use modern mantra’s incorporating the energies of Praise, Gratitude, Love and Compassion. Making use of every day words that will lift ones heart and mind up to the higher levels – up towards their Creator. It is whilst all our energies are focused in reconnecting to the ‘One’ that healing, peace and clarity will enter into ones Auric Field and then fill ones physical being with the Creators ‘Love and Compassion’, bringing balance to all aspects and then inner knowing and growth. Meditation can be done with ones eyes open whilst taking part in your daily rituals – it can be done with ones eyes closed when one withdraws to a higher plane of being. It matters not when one sings the praises of the Creator, what is important is that each incarnating Soul does sing the Praises of the One, giving thanks and love for all their blessings; Ponder on these words for meditation is uplifting, it is not a penance! Blessings. PAX. ©.