23rd December 2012 - Spirit of Sharing

14/01/2013 21:13


23rd December 2012 -  Spirit of Sharing

Greetings dear ones, tonight we listened to you both talking about the Spirit of Christmas and how it is a time for sharing love and light with those around you. Love is the most empowering of energies and is what each and every aspiring soul is looking for. Each one remembers, at a very deep level, the love that surrounded them whilst in the World of Spirit. The warmth and protection of that love and each one is constantly searching for that same feeling once again. Of course the love that the Ego is searching for is of the emotional kind which rarely gives the ‘Searcher’ the love and serenity it so desires. The love of one Soul for another is so very different to the emotional love that the Ego is seeking. It is the love that makes one feel complete, nurtured and strong that the Soul is searching for and feels incomplete without. As one grows and nurtures the Divine Spark within, glimpses of this love are revealed. When one totally opens up their heart and mind to the knowledge of their Divinity then they also reconnect to the love they have been searching for. So over the festive season allow your inner love and light to shine forth, embrace and nurture those who draw close. Remember you are true Children of God. Blessings. PAX. ©
