23rd April 2014 - Shroud of Mystery.
12/05/2014 18:1223rd April 2014 - Shroud of Mystery.
Greetings dear one. There is a shroud of mystery wrapped around life on the Earth Plane. One is born, lives and dies – what happens in between is also part of the mystery. There are many differing theories surrounding life and the reasons for life. It is for each enquiring Soul to look for answers that resonate within as they search for the truth. The truth wears many guises and one will find glimpses of truth in the strangest of places. One’s perception of what is truth will change as the Searcher is introduced to more and more information. No one single Soul will have all the answers, the truth in totality, each will have what is needed for the journey. Truth, like reality is relative to each individual’s perception and understanding. Accept and honour that each incarnate soul is on a journey of growth and that the understanding of each individual is personal and is the corner stone and grounding for that individual. Allow each one to be whom they are and allow them their belief system, which will change as growth occurs. Judge not lest ye be judged also! Blessings. PAX. ©.