23.09.92 - Enlightenment

30/06/2012 20:22


23.09.92 - Enlightenment


Glory and enlightenment are there for all men to achieve, many will not even try in their current lifetime. This does not mean that you will not, for you are already well placed along the Pathway and your guidance has been secured. There are many who are unable to comprehend what is meant by enlightenment, this is a sad but true fact and it will not always be so. For in the days to come when mankind has reached out and attained enlightenment and is fully in touch with his soul, his true identity then all will be well. The time is coming when mankind will inherit the earth, but only when he is truly responsiible and takes his responsibilities seriously.


There are many, currently in the body, who have new realised what is meant by being responsible and they are trying to the best of their ability to carry out this immense task. They may feel alone as they go forth but they are not, for they are one of many, a brotherhood, all working towards the same end.


Many are the paths that they walk, many diverse methods are being used, but each will, in time, result in enlightenment for their Brothers who now grope in the darkness of ignorance. Within the glory of the enlightenedstate will be the realisation of what can will be achieved by each evolving soul.


Continue to build your strength, draw in the light of reason and knowledge. For in the days to come all will be revealed and all that has now been gained will be required. Not for yourself alone but for the salvation of many who are lost.


Those who know the strength of the inner silence are fortunate in these days of constant strife and struggle. Those who can say in their heart that they know contentment can count themselves amongst the blessed. The band is growing, slowly but surely, and as one grows into the knowledge of light and love is then able to show another the way to salvation by becoming a Beacon.


Once again allow your light to shiine forth. Be not afraid for the Lord is with you. Blessings.

Pax..... (The Rosy Cross).
