22nd March 2014 - Seed Thoughts.

10/04/2014 19:09

22nd March 2014 - Seed Thoughts.

Greetings dear child. Each seed thought that is planted in the mind during periods of withdrawal as in times of deep contemplation and meditation is a ‘pearl of wisdom’. Each seed thought can be likened to a tree of wisdom as it grows from a seed to a sapling them into a full grown tree, with deep roots and wide full branches. When one begins to work with a seed of spiritual truth so it will expand and grow into a complete spiritual philosophy. Each and every individuated soul has to have something to believe in, each ones belief system is slightly different as is the reality perceived. Each one is unique and each one is a precious point of light within the Mind of God. Allow the precious seed thoughts to put out their roots, nurture them and allow them to grow and see how your life and understanding will change. Your reality will open up to new vistas, to be embraced – you are an omniscient being – claim your true birthright. Step outside of limitation and become the wonderful being that you truly are, at source. Do not let the dictates of false prophets keep you a prisoner of ignorance and fear – step out in the power of love, light and most important – truth. Ponder on these words. Blessing. PAX ©.
