21st October 2012 - Birth, Death and Rebirth

16/11/2012 09:39


21st October 2012 - Birth, Death and Rebirth

Greetings, dear child. Another new day dawns and life on Planet Earth continues as your planet journeys through the many cycles that lie ahead. During these many cycles mankind will continue to grow spiritually, mentally and in all aspects of it’s being. Souls will come into incarnation and will return to the World of Spirit continuing the cycles of Birth, Death and Rebirth that was started aeons ago. Over these many cycles much has been learned, much progress has been made and humanity are on target and the Plan of the Father, the Creator is working out. More and more Souls on your Planet are recognizing the Divine Aspect, the Eternal Soul within and this is good. When humanity as a whole reach this point in the Evolution of Mankind there will be great joy and rejoicing throughout the whole of creation. For at this time Mankind will have ‘Come of Age’ and can become powerful Co-creators with the Father. Gone will be the negative, haphazard thinking we are now living amongst. Life will be different and progression will be assured. Continue to see each event, positive or negative, as a learning curve – on both personal and planetary levels. All is well and will continue to be well with life on Planet Earth – the lessons appear to be harsh but they are of humanities making and will be resolved by humanity as it grows spiritually. Remember all the inhabitants of your Planet have been given the gift of ‘Freewill’ – the ability to make choices, often the wrong one’s but from these wrong choices come the lessons. Ponder upon these words for they can be of great help and support. Take care with your thoughts – at all times. Blessings. PAX. ©
