21st May 2103 - Beyond the Veil.
08/06/2013 23:0321st May 2103 - Beyond the Veil.
Greetings dear one. There are many Souls from beyond the veil, who reside on a higher vibration of love draw close, on a regular basis, to those incarnating souls now inhabiting the physical form on the Earth Plane. Those thoughts that are of an uplifting nature are not random but are from those, like ourselves, who work on behalf of the Hierarchy, the Great White Brotherhood, to sow thoughts and ideals in the Minds of Men. We sow them and then tend them as any good gardener upon the Earth Plane would tend the seeds planted in the ground. The seed thoughts are nurtured and will be fruitful and blossom, leading the incarnate Soul forward towards Enlightenment – where it will recognize its Divinity and connection to the One and to All. Work with the thoughts that are uplifting, that make one look again at their underlying belief system, all these are seed thoughts sown for your personal soul growth, so that you may then become a Beacon of Light, A Way Shower and Planter of Seed Thoughts for those you meet and walk with as you journey through life. Blessings. PAX. ©.