21st March 2015 - A Thought Away.

07/05/2015 21:53
21st March 2015 - A Thought Away.
Greetings dear child. We who reside in the World of Souls are with you always – remember we are just a thought away at all times and the two worlds can and do blend together. When you feel the need of upliftment just open up your heart and mind and share with us, who love you as we love ourselves and all Souls. We can share our thoughts and ideas but we cannot interfere directly with your personal journey. Hopefully, in the sharing of our thoughts you may find answers or direction to help and support you as you go through life on the Earth Plane. It is true that each incarnate Soul has chosen to take on physical form but each one is still connected to the Source an dis therefore never, ever alone. Those feelings of aloneness and separation are an illusion for all are connected in the Mind of God and all are actively in Service to the Oneness. So be strong in heart and mind and know that you are loved, know you are supported and know that no given task will be greater than your ability to handle it. Blessings dear one. PAX. ©.