21.09.92 - Blending.
29/06/2012 21:23
21.09.92 - Blending.
The blending of two souls is no easy matter, it takes time and patience to achieve. Before a blending can be achieved there is much work to be done. Vibrations need to be worked on and change brought about. This change occurs after purification has taken place. Purification occurs when the evolving soul is able to go within and work on one or more negative aspects of its personality. As these negativities are recognised and worked upon then a cleansing takes place, evenutally when the work of purification has taken place, all that was initially negative in regards to a certain aspect will become positively charged instead. When one aspect has been purified then another will be brought forward to be looked at and worked with.
With each successful transmutation/transformation there will be a raising of vibration until the evolving soul is able to raise to a higher and finer vibration and will find that a blending of souls is taking place on that level.
It is not easy for one from a higher level of being to come down to the grosser vibration that mankind is able to function in, so it is necessary that anyone wishing to achieve this blending of souls with a being from higher realms must be able to raise their vibration to at least meet half way.
The process of purificcation is a slow and painful one. Many give up at an early stage and desire to function on the level tthey find themselves. Others, the more daring will accept the challenge and will go forward to greater heights and will achieve greater things. The knowledge and understanding will also be off a higher moral code.
Each evolving soul will, when the time is right, tackle the process of purification. It will be a process that involves more than one lifetime, but is a task that all must endure to move forward upon the ladder of evolution. Growth of the soul is what all this about. What life in a physical body is about. Each situation we find ourselves in, is actually a lesson, and if we care to learn from it then it can take us forward. Do not look on the situations in a negative fashion for that will surely hold you back. Look adversity straight on, accept what it brings you but do not allow it to hold you back, move forward, be positive.
The task of purification will bring in its wake, many blessings. Life will appear to be less traumatic, even though the problems still arise, each will be able to take note and move forward.