21.04.91 - Peace, Tranquility and Solitude

21/05/2012 19:27


21.04.91 - Peace, Tranquility and Solitude


In this busy world of ours it is truly difficult to find a place where peace, tranquility and solitude can be found. This is why it is so necessary that each of us learn to go within and find the much needed serenity within. Once we have learned to rise above the illusion of this world and all its attachments, we can find the inner peace and contentment.


There is no peace for the one who is firmly attached to the material world and all its trappings for these will always encroach and you will find your time and energy being eaten into by them. For once acquired, then the upkeep of these trappings is essential. Would it not be simpler to lead a more simplistic life, having in our possession only that which is absolutely necessary. There are many who have sold themselves to Mamon - to materialism and who are so truly dissatisfied, lost and very lonely.


Let each of us see the folly that is attached to the need for material wealth, let us see how it holds us back, stuck to its ways like a fly to a fly paper. Once we are on the track, up, running and moving forward along the road of materialism it is hard to stop, to get off, to re-evaluate life. For it should not be that we are forever chasing things that have no permanency.


Stand for a moment, survey all that surrounds you, re-evaluate its worth. Try if you can to see its transient worth, realise where that which can be of permanent value lays. Now is the time to change the pattern. Do not put it off any longer. Change is the order of the day and is vital to the World Order and The Plan of The Hierarchy.


Stand and be counted, there s no shame in wanting a more simplistic lifestyle, no shame in caring about your family and the rest of humanity. Someone must.


Join with the ever growing band of Servers and re-evaluate. Get life into its right perspective and allow the Spirit of Truth and Love flow freely. Stand strong, be not afraid of being counted. It is no easy matter to turn your back on life as you know it; but is a necessary step at this time.


Guidance is yours. Blessings go with you, my child.


Blessings - Pax. ©

