21.01.90 - Asking for Help
13/05/2012 20:39
21.01.90 - Asking for Help
It is hard for one lost in the fog to walk tall and straight, but it is not hard for one to reach out to the Father and ask for his light to guide the way.
Put your faith in him, ask with sincerity and it will surely be given. Be of pure and strong heart and light will surely be given.
It is so easy to get lost in the maze of life. It is nothing to be ashamed of, but once the fact has been made clear, it becomes a personal responsibility to get oneself back onto the path, the path of Truth, Light and Love.
Balance, my child, is necessary. This is a hard lesson to be learned and needs to be learned well. It is a hard, difficult lesson, but necessary.
Blessings. ©