20th October 2012 - Prime Mover

16/11/2012 00:01


20th October 2012 - Prime Mover

Greetings, dear child, greetings once again. Many on your planet feel that they are not in control of their own destiny, they feel that they are not in control of their own destiny, they feel that life and situations happen to them, that they are not the Prime Mover in their lives. They feel that everyone and everything is focused on them and that they are the centre of the Universe – which of course is correct. They are truly the centre of ‘their’ universe, but not in the way they perceived whilst in the state of Victim Consciousness – when they feel helpless.  Each and every incarnating soul is in fact the centre of their universe, once this fact is recognized and stabilized no harm can be done to the progressing Soul. Victim Consciousness stems from a sense of isolation, also from a feeling of lack of love which leads to negativity. When one feels lost and alone then one need’s to recognize this fact and connect to the Soul within – the guiding force and compass through life. Change your course – do not be a Victim. Blessings. PAX. ©
