20th July 2012 - THE CADUSEUS – the Healing Staff
02/09/2012 22:56
20th July 2012 - THE CADUSEUS – the Healing Staff
Eagles Wings – represent fully developed consciousness within Human-kind.
Shushumna – means 'very gracious', fully functioning in enlightenment – bringing clarity and calm to the chakra's, central channel runs through the spinal column.
Ida – Energy is Lunar, black, forces of the night, downward into the unconscious, regenerative and creative and intuition.
Pingala – energy is Solar energy, white, forces of the day,raising consciousness upwards.
Chakra's – Wheels of fire, correspond to major nerve centres, Ida and Pingala cross at these points.
Wheels within wheels – Worlds within worlds – the microcosm and the macrocosm and the Hologram. The whole exists in the part. The seed contains the flower and the flower contains the tree- this is the truth and will stand the test of time. Ponder on this. Blessings. PAX. ©