20th February 2103 - There is no Death.

09/03/2013 17:56


20th February 2103 - There is no Death.

Greetings dear child, there is not death, only a movement of the Soul from the Earth Plane to the World of Spirit. The true essence of each incarnate being lives on after its return to the home world. Sleep can be viewed as a ‘small death’, for whilst the physical self sleeps the Soul leaves the reality of the earthly plane to become involved in the happenings of the Spirit realm – there it replenishes its energy, revitalizes and meets with other souls who may also be on a journey as an incarnate soul, or with those who are residents of that realm. Here it prepares for the next step of the journey, here it solves problems and works on the resolution of situations. Here it prepares the way for the Ego, for the physical vehicle it inhabits to continue the journey and the learning it came into incarnation to embrace. Death is so much like the act of going to sleep but is a final act of leaving the physical body behind. Death brings with it the severing of the silver cord which is the Souls anchor ro rhe physical body, the magnetic energy cord which vitalizes the physical vehicle it needed for life on the Earth Plane. Once this energetic connection is severed the Soul departs for the last time and the physical body ceases to be vibrant and slowly deteriorates and disintegrates. Such is the process. A Soul chooses to leave the Earth Plane for many different reasons and will use many different modes of departure – illness, accidents, old age and others, but the method of departure is always the same. The Souls departure is a peaceful and happy act, it always brings a sense of peace to the physical self, the Ego. Death is not painful, but the situation leading to death can often times bring pain and fear. Each incarnate being fears not death itself, but the guise it will wear. Do not fear, for it is a natural process, one you and all Souls have been through many, many times before, each time each Soul has returned home from an  adventurous journey, after each incarnation on Earth. Blessings. PAX. ©
