1st September 2013 - Cleansing.
20/09/2013 23:111st September 2013 - Cleansing.
Greetings dear one. Rain can be calming and cleansing but the opposite side to its nature is quite fearful as it rages during a storm causing flooding, damage and loss of life. There is much power within the forces of nature, each element has its gentle nurturing aspect and also its destructive aspect. The ancients revered the forces of nature and honoured them, trying to pacify the powerful, destructive tendencies. All of creation has these two polarities of positive and negative along with the place of balance – neutral. This is the divinity running throughout creation – Mother / Father / Child, or Creator / Maintainer / Destroyer. Humanity also manifests these three aspects within their being-ness, it is the natural way of creation. Ponder once again on these words and be aware of the power and majesty of the Creative Principle and Creation. Blessings. PAX. ©.