1st November 2012 - Peace
23/11/2012 10:16
1st November 2012 - Peace
Greetings, dear one, greetings. Peace is all around,, it can be found when absorbing the beauty of a flower, when lost in the silence that total absorption brings in its wake. Peace can be found in the stillness of companionship with those around and about that share the energy of love. Peace is within at all times, just waiting to be accessed in the stillness of any moment. Peace is full of healing, love and it gives strength – these are some of the gifts of being in the Peace. Pure knowing and accepting are other gifts found within the Peace. For in truth Peace transcends all other aspects of the Universal energy – the life-force within which we live, move and have our being. Today allow the blessings of the energy of ‘Peace – be with you’. Blessings. PAX. ©