1st February 2015 - Understanding and Truth

07/03/2015 22:37
1st February 2015 - Understanding and Truth.
Greetings dear child. It is good to search for understanding, to question and discuss, to read and look at the understanding of others who are also on the Path of Discovery. The wise amongst the Searchers of Truth and those who maintain an openness of heart and mind who do not take the work and words of others as the final word on the subject but who see each work as a part of the individuals journey and perception. The wise ones will not deify the works of others, will not call them ‘guru’ and give away their personal power. The wise will honour the work, the input of the other searchers but will continue to seek for answers that will resonate deeply within their Soul. Truth will be found in many strange places and in many strange ways. Trust, always trust the inner, higher aspect of self and follow your own guidance. For each one’s journey and perception of truth are unique and are pertinent to the individual. Blessings. PAX. ©.