1st August 2012 (Wednesday Meditation with Kath)

10/09/2012 10:53


1st August 2012 (Wednesday Meditation with Kath)


Greetings, dear ones, greetings. The energies here tonight have been full of Grace and Healing. Grace comes about when we are in harmony in with the other and all of God's Creation. We are well pleased with the depth of silence you gained during your meditation.


The Silence, the Void, is where God resides. The silence is full of potential – all that is, was and ever shall be finds it's birth within this void. There is nothing in the created world that did not once exist solely within the silence of the void. If a thing does not exist within the silence then it will never exist. All potential for manifestation within any of the planes must first exist in the Mind of God – which is the Void – the Silence, for the Father resides, as you well know, within the silence between each thought. Ponder on this simple, but most profound truth, I will now withdraw, until we meet again. Blessings. PAX. ©
