1st August 1999 - Your Birthright.

20/04/2015 23:35

1st August 1999 - Your Birthright.

In every given moment we each have the choice to change our current reality. Each moment is filled with abundant potentiality and it is te birthright of all sentient beings to access this potentiality at will. Will - the Will-to-do our own will power is the power behind creation. We are, and have always been Master Builders, at one with the Source and all life, both animate and inanimate. Having recognised that your own will is the driving force behind all happenings in your life shows that you are constantly crating your own world. Others may be creating a reality that resonates harmoniously with your own creation. This is good, unfortunately, when one or the other changes their reality slightly then disharmony starts to creep steathily in and the perfection of the joint creation begins to disintegrate, This is no negative action but one that is positive and results in movement and change. This is the evolution seen on a day to day basis. If all conerned are able to change their reality and adapt to the new one then all will move forward together, if one or more find it a comprise to their own journey and plans, then pathways will diverge. Blessings. PAX. ©.
