19th January 2015 - I AM - THAT - I AM.

20/02/2015 22:14
19th January 2015 - I AM - THAT - I AM.
Greetings dear one. The Soul desires the experience of expression within the third dimension for this is needs a physical form. Life continues with the creation of new bodies birthed by the Mothers of the species for the Soul to inhabit – Life is life’s longing for experience. The Trinity of Father/Mother/Child can be seen throughout all of creation for it is the building block of all that is made manifest. With the birth of a new child, one can seethe magnificence and beauty of creation at work. The wonder that is the physical form from conception to birth, the beauty and the perfection  must make one question, make one look for understanding of the reasons behind the creator and of the creative principle. The underlying connection for all of creation is the Soul/Mind energy and its need for experience of itself – Energy realizing I AM, and realizing I AM – THAT – I AM. Blessings. PAX. ©. 