19th August 2015 - Deception.

12/01/2016 21:36
19th August 2015 - Deception.
Greetings dear one. Many upon the Earth Plane will use deception to get the attention of another, not meaning to harm, they clothe the truth by using something more appealing to get one’s attention, then they gently change the direction of the communication to the true underlying essence of their task once one’s attention has been gained. Choices have to be made and responsibility taken for the outcome of these encounters which could be verbal, face to face or over the phone, even via a book or an article on the internet. All these options can be and are used, it is for the one being approached to look for the truth of within these communications. Trust only the still small voice within, check all information received for validation, discard that which does not resonate as truth. Blessings. PAX. ©.