19.07.91 - Growth in Solitude
29/05/2012 11:1219.07.91 - Growth in Solitude
Learning to have strength and faith to go on alone is no easy matter. It is by far much more comforting to walk with a friendly companion, one with whom to share the trials and tribulations. But, there comes a time when each one must stand alone, to learn to trust one's own judgement and intuition. This, my child, is such a time for you.
No two Souls can journey together for all time, for each has different lessons to learn, these requiring a different situation of experience. Yet, no one is forgotten or lost forever, especially when a part of the same group working on the inner levels.
One day mankind will better understand these things and will then find an inner peace , tranquillity and strength.
Do not become attached, remember one of the many lessons we each must learn is that of detachment. That is detachment not only from material things, but from people and places. This does not mean a lack of love is required, no quite the opposite is necessary. We must learn to love, but to love enough to allow that which we love to grow in it's own chosen way. We must never interfere, or enforce our own ideals on others, especially those we love. Learn to let them go, to live , learn and love, and they will truly ever be close to you, for love is the only real bond, but loving must not become attachment.
We each of us need periods of solitude, some of a short duration, others much longer. Use this time well to build up your inner peace and strength for once the solitude is put behind you then your inner reserves will be much needed.
These are truly troubled days when many have lost their way, do not know the answers to their many questions and are truly confused. It will get worse. The light, for a while will be dim and many will know fear. It will be the work of so few, but they will overcome all adversity and darkness will be vanquished. But, before this is possible, all Souls must experience the depths of despair and must want to turn their back on the rampant negativity that now prevails.
They must truly want to live in peace, light and love, allowing spiritual values to be the guiding force and not the material values that now lead mankind forward, values that are now setting the standards and goals we need to achieve.
It is time for those who know on the inner level to start breaking away from these old values. So that when the time arrives when these material values have to change, there will be no problem for them, as the old values will have no control over them, that they have truly set their sights on the new spiritual goals.
The work will not be easy for nothing of value is easily gained. Be strong and have faith and live your inner knowing to the full.
Peace and Blessing My Child. Pax © ©