18th January 2013 - At-one-ment/Atonement.
04/02/2013 19:30
18th January 2013 - At-one-ment/Atonement.
Greetings dear child, let us look at the word at-one-ment, or atonement. At-one-ment being at one with oneself and those around then is the place that the Soul wishes to be, for then all is at peace and in harmony. Atonement is a different state of being and implies that something, some area of ones life, needs to be put right brought back into a place of balance. So, once balance is achieved and one finds again the state of at-one-ment. Words have a great depth of meaning, when you have the time to take a look at words that pop into the mind, play with these words, feel their essence, their strengths, their weaknesses, Words are used to clothe an essence often so intangible that the essence is hard to clothe, to give it form. Words are often so inadequate when one has experienced an uplifting experience which one whishes to share – words can not convey in totality what was experienced and can often detract from the wonder and magnificence of the experience. Still we use words for they are how we communicate, one with the other, here on Planet Earth. In the World of Spirit modes of communication are so different it is possible to share the experience energetically, telephathically and nothing is lost in the sharing as there is no need to translate it from one form to another. Choose your words well, to the best of your ability, for words are important and are very expressive. Words hold great power. Ponder on this. Blessings. PAX. ©