18th August 2015 - Life is a Magnificent Gift.
10/01/2016 20:39
18th August 2015 - Life is a Magnificent Gift.
Greetings dear child. Do not diminish the splendor of your life with negative thoughts, actions and emotions. Life is a magnificent gift – an opportunity to experience and enjoy the beauty of Mother Earth and the many carried inhabitants that she supports. Love abounds, alas it is normally only that which is of a low negative nature that makes headlines. Be aware that the news shown upon your televisions and in other media areas has been programmed to keep you chained to the lower forces. It is time to stand tall and ignore the doom and gloom merchants and embrace the New Age of Enlightenment and to take away the power from the dark ones who wish to keep humanity chained in darkness and ignorance. Reach out to the Soul within for help and guidance. Ask and it will be given. Blessings. PAX. ©.