18th April 2013 - Negativity and the Darkside
06/05/2013 21:49
18th April 2013 - Negativity and the Darkside
Greetings dear child, anger is the result of fear, it is negative and a product of the darker side of ones nature and creates stress. When anger enters into the heart and mind always try to pour love and light into the emotion, this will help to heal and to lessen the negative energies therin. Try counting up to ten before speaking in anger, this could soften the words that will be spoken – it will take out the sting, for once spoken those harsh words can never be erased; they will be written on the ‘Etheric Plane’ for all time. All that is negative comes from the darkness and can not stand tall in the face of the light which is pure love and is positive. So in those moments when the energy of darkness creeps around – just stand tall and think of things that are uplifting, loving and of the light – sing a happy song, pray, think of a happy memory; all of these are tools that are within and are easy to access and will chase away those dark and downwardly spiraling energies. You are a child of the ‘One’ and are therefore a powerful creator – so chose, always, to create our of love and light and life will be easier! Remember – ‘ask and it will be given’, so choose always to ask for love and light in your life. Blessings. PAX. ©.