17th September 2013 - Time.

06/10/2013 19:26

17th September 2013 - Time.

Greetings, dear child. Wouldn’t it be great if one was able to make time stand still for it appears that life is rushing by, ever faster with each one running to keep pace with it. What does it matter if all one wishes to achieve in one day must be completed one day later – it matters not, that is unless it is a matter of life and death itself – then of course all ones energies must be focused on that point to achieve successful completion. Listen to the still small voice of the Soul within for guidance for it will never lead you astray, so unlike the Ego which keeps one chained to the illusion of what is important and knows not the difference - it’s reality so differs from the reality of the incarnate Soul.  Often when one sits quietly and withdraws their attention from earthly cares and concerns to sit within the energy of the Soul answers/solutions appear to drift into the brain from the universal mind wherein the Soul resides. Within the silence lies all the answers – one just has to side step the Ego to find them. Ponder on these words. Blessings. PAX. ©.

