17th July 2014 - Service.
05/08/2014 22:09
17th July 2014 - Service.
Greetings dear child. A Life of Service is a life of growth, Soul Growth and service comes in many guises. Being of Service comes naturally to one on the Path of Return which is the Path of Soul Growth and service should be second nature to these aspiring Souls. When one is an active member of a family one is busy doing, helping and being there for other family members – this is being of service. Being there to help and support friends and acquaintances when it is required or asked for is being of service. Each one serves humanity constantly and in doing so id being of service to the One-ness of Creation. To give to another without counting the cost to self is an admirable trait and one that will bring forth many rewards but do not be foolhardy in ones giving, for there are those who will gladly use and mislead those who are open hearted. Blessing. PAX. ©.