16th July 2014 - Daily Hustle and Bustle.

04/08/2014 21:04
16th July 2014 - Daily Hustle and Bustle.
Greetings dear one. When one lives in the heart of a busy town or city it is hard to shut out the noise of the daily hustle and bustle. Even in the dark of night it continues, but with less intensity. It is no wonder that many feel lost and alone for it is hard to find ones connection to the Source with so much noise and haste. It is the personal responsibility of each incarnate Soul/human being to create a place of peace to which withdrawal is possible. One can do this through practicing the art of Meditation of which there are many types. Some meditate to withdraw into the Silence, others follow guided meditations as found within Shamanism, Druidism and Spiritualism. There is no right meditation path or wrong – choose one that best suits the path upon which your feet are walking, upon which your heart and mind is drawn to. What matters is the connection made to the Source, the One-ness – Mother/Father God. Blessings. PAX. ©.