16.09.92 - Intuition

27/06/2012 19:27


16.09.92  - Intuition

Trust  in your own intuition, we have told you this many times.  Do  not let others influence you or your understanding, allow your Soul to keep you informed.  Others are only able to see the truth of things in a way which suits  their own level of understanding.  What is true and right for them is not necessarily so  for others.  They should not be allowed to colour the thinking of others,  often changing a positive thought form into a negative one.  At the end of the day always allow your own judgement to be the guiding light.  For  at the end of it all - your Soul knows just what you need, where you  are coming from and going to.

There are many around who, through fear,  prejudice and lack of understanding will find themselves guilty of misleading many.  Do not be misled and please my child,  do not become guilty of misleading.

Speak of these matters only when asked to,  give your truth out plainly and clearly when asked, but  do so with love.  Never be frightened of giving out your "Truth", for there will be many who are unable to accept what you say, feel  and think;  but that does not mean that you are wrong.  No-one is unduly incorrect, it is all a matter of  where they  stand at that particular point in time and just where they are able to pick up on all the many aspects of the truth in all its glory.  For some see it differently to others, but in time they will find their understanding has changed.  Still being basically the same, but more rounded with  a fuller, deeper meaning.  It is wrong for  one person so to preach to another,  trying to put the other person down, misleading and frightening them as they often do.

At the end  of the day, go with  your own feelings and thoughts,  for  even if they are found to fall short of perfection, they are right for that point in time, for they are one with you as you stand on the Pathway to Eternal Light and Love.

Do  you understand what we are in fact saying to you. I feel sure that you do.  Your protection is ever strong, your love of your Father, God, your faith  and  desire to serve will carry you forward.  Go into each day as pure of mind and heart as you can.  Learn not to be hurt or misguided by the thoughts, words and deeds of others.  For there are many who do not wish to see others go forward to greater and more wonderful heights. Feel sorrow for tthese people, send them love and forgiveness, do not bear them any ill feeling.  For they do not understand and are acting as they should, according to their own point of progression as an evolving Son or Daughter of God.

Blessings to you my child, we watch you grow stronger, do not waver.  Walk tall in the knowledge that daily you progress in love aand light.  Blessings to your family are also being sent, guide them well and lead them into the light and love of their Father..... We leave you now  until another time.  Love and Peace to you...............Pax.
