16.02.91 - Power of Healing
19/05/2012 17:51
16.02.91 - Power of Healing
The power of healing is to be found within every living thing - not only those in a physical body, but everything that is manifest on all the many levels of creation. Healing is to be found within the mineral kingdom, the vegetable kingdom, the animal kingdom and the human kingdom.
In nature we have the healing cure for every one of man's illnesses, be they manifest on the physical on the mental or emotional plane. Healing begins with the peace and tranquillity found from sitting quietly amidst the beauty of God's Creation - simply losing oneself in the beauty of one simple flower.
We can each find ourselves absorbing the colour which is found on every level of life surrounding us. Colour, or the vibration of the colour is a great healer, be that colour in the flower, a gem stone, or a garment. Where the colour is to be found is immaterial, it is what we find with in the colour that matters.
Healing must always begin on an inner subtle level, all healing must comes from within, from the Soul level. It is the touching of the Soul that is so important - then, once the Mind aspect has acknowledged the necessity for change in patterns of living that are well established the Soul will go about bringing about the change required, slowly, subtly, but very surely.
For all illness stems from an inner disharmony, bringing about disease, so to cure the outer manifestation of the disease we must start our healing from the inner level. For to put the balance right we must find the inner source of discomfort and put it right, rise above whatever bad habit we have fallen into and have continued to allow to be a part of us. When the source has been identified, we can begin to work with it and bring about the required changes - slowly, so as not to be noticed; over a period of time. Eventually a new pattern is introduced, the bad habit becomes a thing of the past and a new habit, one that is more in harmony with body, mind and soul is firmly in its place. As all this is happening on the inner plane, slowly it brings about changes on the physical plane and healing can be seen to be successful
Healing is not only found within colour, but in sound, touch and by allowing the love sent by others to enter in. Have faith that where healing is needed and is being given, that if it is truly and lovingly accepted, it will work.
Alas, in some cases healing will never be seen to manifest on the physical level, but will be seen as a peace and dignity and an acceptance that the time of transition is drawing close.
Blessings. ©