15th October 2013 - New Souls.
03/11/2013 19:0015th October 2013 - New Souls.
Greetings dear child. When new Souls enter into your circle of acquaintances do not close down your centres of energetic activity. Remain open but also remain cautious. Do not, out of hand, accept that they are more advanced/evolved simply because they are making more noise, are more active than you, yourself. The more evolved the student/incarnate Soul, the quieter and less threatening will be the presence of the Soul.and the Ego appear. The evolving Soul’s energy field will reach out to others, the mind activity will be evident, there will be no need for bluff and blunder. An evolving Soul will be recognized by its gentle and unconditional loving energy field. When one is just open to the alternate realities one is normally intense and over-active. The true occultist works quietly and energetically on the mental plane and does not ask for reward in its many guises on the physical plane. An evolving Soul joins with the many others on the mental plane planting and energizing seed thoughts that they in turn intuited from the Masters residing on higher planes of being. Blessings. PAX. ©.