15th May 2014 - Veil of Maya.

03/06/2014 19:20

15th May 2014 - Veil of Maya.

Greetings dear one. Many from the higher side of life draw close to you and work with you, quietly from behind the Veil of Maya. These souls are also on the journey and work hard trying to inspire those incarnate souls who have the ability to hear, see or feel their presence. These discarnate Souls also work closely with the Souls of those ego’s/personalities that are not yet aware – planting seed thoughts that just may open up the awareness of the ego/personality to the presence of the indwelling soul and others, higher realities. Often one will become aware of an uplifting thought that takes their attention away from whatever it was that their attention was absorbed in. In that time when the uplifting thought helps to lift up and fill them with joy, thus forgetting all the woe’s of the day/life all sense of self is lost in the wonder of the all embracing peace and love experienced. This is the love and peace of the Ascendant, the Source, Mother/Father God. Upon returning to earthly awareness there is a sense of sadness, of loss – but this need not be the case if each one opens up the heart and mind to become once again fully connected,  body, mind and soul to their Source and their Divinity. Blessings. PAX ©.
