15th February 2014 - Kindred Souls.

05/03/2014 19:41

15th February 2014 - Kindred Souls.

Greetings dear one. To see those one meets upon the journey through life as kindred souls is important. To recognise that they are also here to learn and grow, that  they do not know all the answers will help to engender the qualities of compassion, non-judgementality and harmlessness which each incarnate Soul should be an embodiment of. Until one truly loves and embraces the Soul within it is not possible to truly love another. To love without conditions being placed upon the love given, which is such a common practice amongst the un-enlightened Souls on the Earth Plane. Love unconditionally, practice harmlessness and compassion, be not judgemental and learn to work from an open and loving heart with those you meet each day. See the aspiring child of God within each of them and have unbounded love for each one of them. Blessing. PAX. ©.
