Purity and Clarity.

04/01/2016 23:07
14th August 2015 - Purity and Clarity.
Greetings dear child. The truth resides within the Silence that can be accessed via the Soul aspect. If one is pure of heart and mind then what is accessed when in the silence can be brought forth into ones three dimensional reality unchanged. Most of the wisdom one accesses when in the knowing of the silence is tainted as one brings it down through the levels of the mind. All that occurs is coloured by previous experiences so the simple beauty and clarity can become changed. With time and lots of work upon the ego/personality level one will be able to access the silence and upon return to the waking state will retain the wisdom in all its purity. The Soul will always recognize purity in any teaching or religion and will resonate with it. Listen to the Soul with. Blessings. PAX. ©.