14.04.89 - Serpent Power

06/04/2012 19:58




Serpent Power is a very real power, it is the real energy force behind life as we perceive it, it is the Prana of the Hindu's.  Serpent Power is, as has been suggested by the name given to it, a very powerful energy.  A destructive one - if used in a negative way by the powers of Darkness. But it is constructive when used in a positive way by the Powers of Light. We must learn to use the Power of the Serpent in a positive way, but also to use it only for the good of Mankind and the Universe.

To use the energies of the Kundalini (Serpent Power), which is known as "Raising the Serpent" (during meditation) is dangerous without proper knowledge and direction, it can destroy the person raising, or using the energy in this manner.  It can, if not directed or channelled correctly, take over a person's mind and cause them to go insane.   I do not mean take over the mind in the ordinary sense, I mean to say that energies, knowledge and power will be released, attracting things unknown and unseen to the person - all coming in so powerfully and quickly that the person would be unable to cope and maybe unable to understand just what has happened.

When used correctly, this power can be used constructively, can be a helpful and guiding energy, it can be directed and channelled into ways of helping our fellowman.

No-one should just sit in meditation for the sole purpose of opening the Chakra's (which are energy centres within the physical body, making a pathway for the rising serpent power to follow), no-one should try to open up these centres/chakra's (‘willy-nilly’) - at will.  These centres should be opened slowly and naturally, with the blessing and guidance of the Soul within and the Divine Spirit - the Creator, Builder of the Universe and all it contains.

The Divine Spirit, along with our Spirit Guides/Helpers and indeed our Higher Self/Soul, know when we are ready to cope with, and able to direct the energy attracted by the raising of the kundalini.  We must learn to be patient and put our development into the hands of those on the higher side of life Those who reside behind the Veil, they know, they are able to see further ahead than we mere mortals.  Put not your faith in men, but in God.  Go forward in peace and love and wisdom. Bless you.

The Kundalini energy is given the name Serpent Power because it is believed that it lies coiled up at the base of the spine, in the Kundalini  (base) Chakra.  These seven main chakra's, known in the West as energy centres coincide with the hormonal centres within the physical body and are synonymous with the seven chakra's of the spirit body.  When the centres are opened, either by visualisation, knowingly, or unknowingly;  through development and growth; this power uncoils itself and raises itself, following the pathway from centre to centre following the central path of the Sushumna.  Each centre is responsible for certain aspects of psychic development. 

This is why it is unwise to open up these energy centres before you are ready to understand the facility you are in fact awakening.  Be Wise.  


