13th July 2012 - Chakras and Energy.
29/08/2012 22:53
13th July 2012 - Chakras and Energy.
Welcome my child, it is good that we are able to blend our energies this night and communicate one with the other. Your thoughts earlier were about the chakra's, the energy nadia's within the physical vehicle- those whirling wheels of fire and colour. These need to be fully functioning if one wishes to work with higher energies, but it is unwise for them to be activated before the individual incarnating soul feels that the ego is ready to work wisely with these finer/higher vibrations. It is possible for these nadia's to be opened/activated prematurely, but this is a road that leads to disaster and pain.
When these chakra's/nadis are opened safely by the 'Soul Within' it is done when the ego has gained the knowledge needed to work with the incoming higher vibration and the physical vehicle is able to hold the energy without causing harm. When these chakra's are opened unwisely/prematurely through the use of hypnotic drugs or ceremonies there is always a risk of damaging the vital nervous system and can cause illness and even madness. Many on your world hear and see what they are not meant to be involved in and subsequently end up in your hospitals and in mental institutions. Caution is necessary when working with the raising of the Kundalini energy, also known as the Serpent energy which lies coiled at the base of the pine in the physical vehicle.
So dear one, do not, ever force your own progression – allow that task to remain a task for your soul. Then and only then will your physical vehicle be safe. There is much to learn about the higher frequencies of energies that are a part of our creation. As one grows in wisdom and purity one is then able to hold, and to maintain their sanity when blending with these higher vibrations.
More will be shared at a later meeting of our minds/souls. Love and light for your journey dear one. Blessings. PAX. ©